Does Uber Eats have a Business account?

Does Uber Eats have a Business account? Yes, Uber Eats does offer a Business account for corporate customers to easily manage their food orders and deliveries.

Does Uber Eats have a Business account?

Uber Eats Business Account:

Uber Eats Business account is designed to meet the needs of businesses that frequently order food for their employees or clients. This account offers several advantages and features, making it convenient and efficient for companies to manage their food delivery requirements.

Benefits of Uber Eats Business Account:

1. Streamlined Billing: With a Business account, companies can consolidate all food orders and payments under one platform. This simplifies the accounting process, eliminates the need for multiple reimbursements, and provides a clear overview of expenses.

2. Customizable Meal Policies: Businesses can set meal policies on their Uber Eats Business account. For example, they can determine the maximum order amount, restrict certain restaurant selections, or even define specific working hours during which employees can place orders.

3. Easy Management of Orders: The Business account enables companies to manage and control food orders more efficiently. They can assign order managers, track expenses per individual or department, and receive consolidated invoices, ensuring transparency and accountability.

4. Flexibility and Access Control: Uber Eats Business account allows businesses to grant access to selected employees, enabling them to place food orders on behalf of the company. This flexibility ensures that only authorized personnel can make use of the account.

5. Dedicated Customer Support: Uber Eats provides dedicated customer support for its Business accounts. This ensures that companies can resolve any issues or queries promptly, leading to a better overall experience.

How to Create an Uber Eats Business Account:

To create an Uber Eats Business account, a company representative or administrator can visit the Uber Eats website and follow the simple registration process. They will need to provide basic information about the business, including its name, address, and contact details.

Once the account is created, businesses can start adding employees who will have access to the platform. Employees can either be added manually one by one or imported through a .CSV file. Each employee will receive an invitation email to join the company's Uber Eats Business account.


In conclusion, Uber Eats recognizes the importance of catering to the corporate world and has introduced the Business account option to meet the specific needs and requirements of businesses. The Uber Eats Business account provides companies with streamlined billing, customizable meal policies, efficient order management, flexibility in access control, and dedicated customer support. Creating a Business account is a straightforward process, allowing companies to start benefiting from these features and enhance their food delivery experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does Uber Eats offer business accounts?

Yes, Uber Eats does offer business accounts. Businesses can create an account and order food for their employees or clients through the platform.

2. Are there any benefits to using a business account on Uber Eats?

Yes, there are several benefits to using a business account on Uber Eats. These include centralized billing, detailed expense reports, and the ability to set spending limits for different users.

3. How can I sign up for a business account on Uber Eats?

To sign up for a business account on Uber Eats, you can visit their website or contact their customer support. They will guide you through the process of setting up your account and provide any necessary assistance.

4. Can I link my existing Uber Eats account to a business account?

No, you cannot link an existing personal Uber Eats account to a business account. However, you can sign up for a separate business account using your business email and manage both accounts separately.

5. Are there any additional fees for using a business account on Uber Eats?

No, there are no additional fees for using a business account on Uber Eats. You will only be charged for the food and delivery fees as usual.

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